Khena :The Founder
More and more, we are aware that life in our society no longer corresponds to our deep nature. This unease pushes us to discover, open up and realize our true potential.
But where do we begin? How does one realize a conscious revolution of who we really are? How do we learn to quiet our minds that restrict us with our fears and automatic reactions. The key to happiness is our state of mind. Taking the time to see how our mind was designed to protect us from our fears, our needs and the unknown, is the necessary step to realize and detach the mind from its automatisms. It induces….freeing itself, gaining access to the mastery of here and now in total abundance. When we realize that we are a river of love energy in constant évolution without beginning or end, it’s an awakening and we become dazzled students of life.
Khena was born in January 1946 in Paris, France.
She grew up in the provinces, then she attended various art schools in France (Fine Arts, School of Interior Design, then aesthetics.…) Khena rubbed shoulders with many eclectic artists from Paris and then later in Saint-Tropez.
At the age of 24, she voyaged to Morocco where she experienced a revelation. (EMI: experience of imminent death): “We are all one and the same energy.”
Experiences from her childhood came back to her along with a recurring question: “How does one eliminate the layer of pollution induced by the human mind? The imperious need to find the way to the heart and to guide it.
In 1976 and 1977, Khena undertook a great trip to the Mayan high places in Mexico and Guatemala (activating ancient memories during this journey). Fullness is found only at the cost of a total change of life…totally detached from contingencies. She was just 30 years old.
Purchase of LA PLANETE…
Since then, she has not stopped building this cosmo-telluric high place… this Mother Earth, with its ancient memories… nourishing it, enlightening it, step by step, from her travels in the Pacific (Moorea and Maupiti), South America, India and Nepal, and all the while respecting her close relation to animals. The Energy of Life, the Energy of Love, are omnipresent. They only ask to be recognized and celebrated.
*EMI : Pour un instant ou l’Eternité, tout est Cohérent, Lumineux, Solennel, Joyeux à la fois. Vient le mot AMOUR qui échappe aux champs de la raison. La conscience habituelle étant étriquée, ayant perdu son ubiquité, son omniscience qui est sa véritable nature !EMI: For an instant or an Eternity, everything is Coherent, Bright, Solemn and Joyful all at the same time. Then comes the word LOVE, which escapes the fields of reason. ..the habitual consciousness being intricate, having lost its ubiquity, its omniscience which is its true nature.